Oct 3, 2013

Old spice rack to nail polish rack tutorial

 Hey y'all! If you guys are anything like me, nail polish runs in your veins. I have had a love affair with polish since a young age, and it seems like it just gets worse with age! So, with said love affair comes the problem of buying every nail polish that tickles my fancy. It starts off in a cute zippered bag, like a big makeup bag. But soon grows out of it into some sort of shoe box, then into just taking up a whole drawer in my bathroom.
  Now, the problem is- I don't always see the bottles that fall to the bottom and then they get all lumpy and bad so then they met their death in my trash can. Which to me is a waste of $5-$9 because I never use all of the bottle! Unacceptable!  I needed a way to display them like they do at the nail salons, and on a trip to Goodwill I found the perfect thing! A old wooden spice rack for a whopping $4.99!
 I didn't take a before picture because this thing was all dusty and I don't know about you guys, but it creeps me out to have other peoples filth in my house! So it stayed outside until I cleaned it well.
 After cleaning and letting it dry outside a day or two, I went and bought a $1 can of spray paint from the store. I choose gray because I'm in love with gray right now. It did take a couple of coats and I let it dry completely in-between the two coats. I did use all but a tiny bit of the spray paint. I'm sure if you bought the more expensive spray paint it would maybe only take one coat.

So after it was painted, I just put strips of the patterned duct tape on the shelves and BAM! Nail polish rack! The patterned duct tape can be found at any craft store or your local big box store. If it's not in the craft section, try the automotive section. I had this roll already, but I think it runs about $4.

Since we are apartment living, I didn't want to anchor this baby into the wall and have that damage, so I just set it on the counter top.

Now all of my polishes are displayed and it's easy and fun! And this costs me $9.99! Much cheaper than throwing away all of the unused bottles that get lost in the shuffle!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful way to display your polishes! You are absolutely crafty!!!


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