My progress- it's so hard not to be lazy when it's freezing cold outside! All I want to do is bundle up and catch up on my DVR shows! But, I made a promise to challenge myself this month, so here we go...
This month my goals are:
- Focus on my relationships, be not only present in the moments with my loved ones and friends, but be proactive- send a goodie box when one is not expected back and they have no idea one is coming, (which reminds me, I will be sending out email requests of your addresses) give more time and thought into emails and texts instead of a one word reply or maybe two if I'm feeling extra chatty.
11/11/13- I feel like I've kept this up this past week, I didn't get any one's address yet, but I have put more thought and time into my emails and texts with everyone.
11/20/13- I've sent out email requests for addresses, so that's progress on that front! And I feel like I've tried to respond to emails and text more thoughtfully.
- Do not become idle in my relationships. God put these precious people in my life and I will cherish them! I won't sit back and wait for them to respond to my emails/texts/phone calls. I will continue to show them, Hey- I'm thinking about ya!
11/11/13- Progress on this point also this week. I truly value everyone in my life, and I hope that I'm conveying this to them each and every time we connect.
11/20/13- I've definitely worked on this one this week! I don't know what it is about the holiday season that makes me think everyone has lost their minds, but it happens and I pray that God works through me with enough grace to keep things smooth!
- And finally, do not become sluggish in my work both personal and professional. I have a list of requests for quilts and things to be made for my family and friends and I've just been so scattered lately that everything personal has been put on the back burner! I think my trap is having too much time in the day that I can just keep pushing it further and further off, but it never gets done. I need to schedule it like a normal working day with lunch breaks and everything!
11/11/13- I must admit, I have been a tad sluggish this week. On Friday, I was straightening out my closet and reached just enough to throw my back out. It's not absolutely terrible, just so frustrating and enough pain/muscle spasms to be uncomfortable. But, I still am working hard at scheduling myself and managing my time better!
11/20/13- Let me just point out, that I am currently 6 posts ahead of schedule! I'm knocking this one out of the park! This one is no problem for me this week!
I'm sure the energy will just drain from me after this holiday season, but for now I'm on a roll!

How are your goals doing?
I love that you add to your original post each week! :) It's a great way to see your progress :)