Apr 11, 2014

See you soon...

 I'm up to my eye balls in doctors appointments, testing, projects, spring cleaning, family happenings and on and on. As much as I LOVE blogging, I am afraid that I can't post ahead to cover this upcoming gap.

 I will have a small-ish procedure done, and I'm not sure how long it'll take until I'm back on my feet. Could be a week, could be three weeks. So, for the upcoming weeks, I will be prepping for it. I will try to cook and have frozen meals ready, re-stocking the Etsy store, which will stay open, and try to make it easy for The Mr. to send out orders (Wish me luck on that one), and just a good cleaning of our home to make it easy for me to relax and heal afterwards.

In a perfect world, I will heal super fast and be up and running again a week after! Now, this isn't a major thing. It's just one that every one's recovery time is different, and I tend to take a while to heal. I don't want to feel rushed to get back to this blog or my Etsy shop, so I'm going to take a few weeks and recharge my batteries! I will miss y'all, and know I'll be chomping at the bit to get back to the blogosphere! 

Take care and God bless! 


  1. Have a great time off and get better fast! I'll be praying for you!

  2. Hope everything goes well!! Praying for a speedy recovery! XO

  3. Wishing and praying for a speedy recovery.

  4. Feel better soon! Thoughts and prayers being sent your way!

  5. hope that the operation went smoothly and that you are recovering well!!


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