Sending- This month, I'm sending care packages to Louisiana and to my best mate, Kate in Australia! I'm really excited to send her care package because she's asked me to draw her an adult coloring book. As of right now, I'm still working on it, but I promise to give you guys a peak, and I may even sell it in my etsy shop! EKK! It's exciting!
Eating- If you read this post, you know my word of the year is Thrive. And, you also know that every month, I'm breaking it down into subcategories. January's subcategory was Health so we've been trying new healthy recipes and will continue to try to turn our recipes healthy!
Dreaming- Lately, I'm dreaming of homes. We will be buying a home sometime in May, and I can't stop looking at realtor sites! I keep looking at home after home, dreaming of our lives unfolding in each home to see if it will work.
Hearting- I'm hearting my bed like crazy lately! As I mentioned before, migraines knock me on my butt once a week, and it can last a whole day to two whole days. During that time, my bed is my BFF! I'm loving the fact that about 2 years ago, I started caring about thread count, and textures that I liked, and textures that I couldn't stand. I adjusted our bedding accordingly and now it's all my favorites. You wouldn't think those types of things make a difference, but they do when you can't get up!
I hope you've enjoyed reading what I'm up to currently! What are you up to? Comment below!
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