Aug 3, 2013

Currently I am: August Version

Currently I am:

Reading- My bible, as always, then the book A Woman after God's Heart, Catching fire- before the movie comes out. My personal favorite way to experience a story- Book first, movie second.

Watching: or should I title it: Current Netflix Obsession because lets be honest, I don't just watch a show. I am non stop devouring that thing until it's dead- aka no more seasons left. And THEN, I go through withdrawals until something else comes in and tickles my fancy. The circle starts again. So- Current Netflix Obsession- I haven't found one since I finished the latest season of Heartland... but I am on the hunt!

Organizing- My craft room. Lets face it, no matter how pretty you stack your fabrics, one idea will set a fabric tornado off in there and it's a disaster area. I should put FEMA on my speed dial kinda disaster. :)

Projects- Personal- Sewing covers onto couch pillows, making straps and bible covers for family.
               Professional- Designing new bible covers and camera straps, trying to research the best                               dried lavender for numerous projects- no luck yet.

Interested in:  Finding a good charity that I can volunteer in. I would love to do humane society, but being allergic to dogs and cats, that's not gonna happen! Maybe Habitat for Humanity? Don't get me wrong, there are so many charities out there that need help, but I need to help one physically.
I do support the Wounded Warrior Project since my oldest brother Chad is a Wounded Warrior. And every sale I get on Etsy, a portion goes to them- so thank you for ordering!

Frustrated with:  Laundry. Every. Day.  Since our washer is a stackable one, the washing tub is microscopic. Literally, I can fit one outfit of the husbands in there, and if it's lightweight fabric like trousers, then I can put a towel in and that's it! That's the whole load right there. Needless to say, I am washing at least 2 loads of laundry a day. Bleh-- Apartment living at its finest right?

Eating: Red Velvet Chocolate Covered Cherries from Albanese Candy .... You don't even know how amazing these are.

Drinking:  Dragon Fruit Devotion tea from Teavana, deeeelicious!

Thinking about:  Trying to use all of my fabric scraps for new store items, and the cutest fabric combos possible, and making meals to freeze for the Hubs while I'm away so he doesn't starve to death.

Praying For: Family and friends, of course. And for it not to be so face melting hot when I head to South Louisiana in 2 weeks.

What are you guys up to? Comment below!

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