Aug 19, 2013

Monthly marriage and relationship goals- week 2 recap

Hi everyone! Time to recap week 2 progress for my August monthly marriage and relationship goals for the second week.  This week was fairly easy as I was only home for 3 days and then left out of state. Currently, I still am out of state, but I still think it is a perfect opportunity to do some over-haulin' of myself while I'm away. Mainly, the changes need to be with myself so why not take advantage right? So, for the end of week two, I'm still trying to concentrate on submission and exactly the wife I want to be. Somewhere between the modern woman and the 1950's housewife.

Currently, my guy is home taking care of himself, and I can't help but feel a little guilty not being able to do things for him like cook him meals, making sure he has everything he needs, those types of things. So I'm thinking that I must be making progress if I feel the twinge of guilt for not being there!

To sum it up, I am using and studying everything i can find in my bible on how a woman should be, and how a wife should be, so I can be the best I can be. And that's the ultimate goal everyone seeks. It is a goal that's not too shabby to strive for!

How are y'all coming along with your monthly marriage and relationship goals coming along?

Marriage and Relationship Goals Link-up Mission Statement: Monthly Marriage and Relationship Goals are simple goals that we, as wives or girlfriends, can personally make each month in order to strive for the very best in our relationships without ever growing complacent in serving our significant other. Overall, the link-up portion of this series will serve to facilitate accountability as women join together to share encouragement and inspirational motivation for completing challenges each month by beginning with broad goals and working through each week creating more specific goals. At the end of the month, we will summarize what was accomplished, the successes we've had and what we could have done better. We would love for you to link up with us and share your posts each week as we strive in different ways to serve our significant other with more intentionality and purpose.

Marriage & Relationship Goals

"Not setting goals and objectives for a relationship is like a ship setting sail for the land of nowhere in particular"
1. Follow your hosts via GFC or Bloglovin'
2. Post the Marriage & Relationship Goal button in your post or on your sidebar
3. Link up your relationship BLOG POST
4. Visit other blogs, find inspiration for future goals, and encourage the other women in their quest to achieve great things!


  1. I love that you are studying up in the bible! I think that's a fantastic idea!

  2. I can certainly relate to the fact of not being able to care our my husband in the way that a wife should since Tony is away for work during the week. Definitely thinking of you this week! But, it is so wonderful to see that you are continuously seeking Him as a wife because even when we are not with our spouses there is so much more that we can still do for them in many ways! I am not sure if you are interested in devotionals pertaining to the role of being a wife, but Wife After God by Jennifer Smith and A Marriage Without Regret by Kay Arthur are great study reads!


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