What's your favorite thing about where you live? My favorite thing about where I live is the huge nature preserve that's right down the road. Don't get me wrong, I love that it takes me 5 minutes to get to any and every store I could possibly ever need, and the fact that it takes Husband 2 minutes to get to work... but I am a country girl at heart and need wide open spaces. I need to look at the horizon and see nothing man-made, and the nature preserve gives me that. Plus, they have a nice fishing pond!
What are 3 things you are grateful for? I am the type of person who is grateful for EVERYTHING. Grateful for God, Husband, family, friends, My new doggie Ginny, sunshine, pumpkin lattes, paintbrushes, my sewing machine- I could go on forever. I know that God works in my life in big and small ways, and I am truly grateful for everything. So to limit it to only 3 is simply impossible! Can not happen.
What is the story behind your blog name? The story behind the name of the blog is the same as my business because I couldn't narrow it down to one specific craft name, such as painting, sewing, jewelry...because I do them all! So artsy was perfect. And Cajun because I am a Cajun, and I'm proud of that. We are a unique kind of people, and no, all Cajuns aren't all like what you see on TV shows like Swamp People, so please don't ask me how many alligators I've wrestled! Ha! God gave me the good sense to stay far away from gators!
What is one think you'd like to learn? I have an insatiable need to learn everything I can. But lately, the biggies are I want to learn real French and as many languages as I can, to learn my bible inside and out, learning everything about my ancestry.
What does your ideal day look like? My ideal day would have to include Pumpkin Lattes, nature and or hikes with my Hubs and my new doggie- Ginny, fabric/craft shopping, lots of laughs and conversations with everyone, cooking and consuming delicious food with those I love, movies, LSU FOOTBALL complete wearing jersey, a soak in a bubble bath, and just going to sleep counting my blessings!
Krotz Springs & Port Barre readers, please note the shout out I was giving my Cracklin' Fest cup :)
When are you at your best? My best is when I am tapped into the grateful feeling I get from concentrating on every blessing I have instead of succumbing to the negatives in life. And in the morning, I'm totally a morning person!
If you could meet any blogger in person, who would you choose? I want to meet them all! I've found new friends out in blogger world, and I love it!! To name a few, Charity from A Word From A Nerd, Amberly from Life with Amberly and Joe, Kayln from Love Laughter Happily Ever After, Gazing in a Garden, Marked by Grace, The Dwelling Tree, The Empty Teacups, Two-Thirds Scarlett, and many many more!
Which blogs are you loving right now? So many! All of the above plus any that involve faith, tea, cooking, sewing and crafts.
Tell us something we don't know about you. I have Stage 4 Endometriosis, have had many surgeries and will have no choice but to adopt a child when we are ready for children. Its something I struggle with every.single.day. with pain, and emotions of never being able to have my own children, but I have to lay in Jesus' comfort to get me through and give me inspiration and strength to carry on and lead a happy life!
Favorite piece of jewelry other than your wedding/engagement ring and why? A few years ago, my beloved Grandmother, Eva, and I were cleaning out her "junk drawers" in her dresser and I found a small coin like thing that was black with tarnish. She wanted to toss it, probably because she had no idea what it was, and I said well let me see if I can clean it for you. Turns out, this was her sterling silver medal with Jesus on one side, and Mary and baby Jesus on the other. This medal was given to her by her mother when she was 5 years old in 1930, and she wore it every day until her 18th birthday. Jesus' nose is worn smooth! She gave it to me and it blew my socks off! I also started wearing it daily and since she passed away last year, it has brought me so much comfort. That was one special Lady.
My grandmother (right)...
Who inspires you? My parents inspire me. They have been through so many trials and tribulations in their life together, and their love for each other has only grown. They are amazing!
What is your favorite family tradition? Our family has been spread out over the globe for the last 10 years and it's really hard to get together for holidays and really commit to a tradition. But, I guess the traditions we have really kept is when one of my brothers come back from serving in a war, we lite a huge bonfire, I'm talking 20 feet tall, and just hang out at my parents house. There may have been a few occasions where we ran around the bonfire like wild Cherokee Indians... it's in our blood so hey, why not? :)
Who do you admire most as a blogger and why? You know, I am so new to the blogging world that I admire all bloggers who have stuck it out for years and are so inspiring with their faith and dedication! It does require a good bit of time and energy to keep a blog going!
Is this how you imagined your life would be? My life has taken so many twists and turns that I have stopped imagining things and just trusting in my faith to lead me where I need to be. And right now, I never dreamed I'd be in this place in time, but I'm so very happy that I am! Better than I would've imagined for myself with such a sweet and loving husband!
Show us your favorite picture and explain why you love it. My favorite picture is of me and my Grandmother sitting in rocking chairs on her front porch laughing and talking. Sadly, I think this particular picture is at my moms house and is not digital. But my next favorite picture is this:
What do you love about yourself? I love my creative side, I love that I can take junk or scraps and make something cute. I also love my big heart, how once I let someone in, they are loved to pieces!
If money were no question, I'd purchase my own tropical island, it doesn't have to be huge, but has to fit enough houses for all of my lovelies and a church. As well as everything we could possibly need to live. That would be awesome! Side note, I really really want to retire in Bali or somewhere very similar to that.
What's your biggest struggle in life? I touched on this above, but dealing with Endometriosis is my biggest struggle. Trying to stay positive about it and struggling to have a normal life and normal relationships through the daily pain. However, through dealing with all of the fall out from this disease has drawn me so much closer to God. And for that, I am truly thankful because without Him, I know I would be in a very dark place instead of the happy shiny glitter filled place that I am now! Yay!
Name something you have learned that surprised you. I just learned that Cindy Crawford is a descendant from Charlemagne! How cool is that? Does anyone else watch the show, "Who do you think you are"? It is such a cool show! Maybe it's because I love history, but y'all should check it out!
There, now you know more about me, I'd like to know more about you! Please feel free to pick a question (or all of them) and answer it in the comments section below! Ekk! I'm so excited & can't wait to hear your answers!
This week I'm linking up with the ladies for Wildcard Wednesdays! This is my first time linking up with them, but it looks like fun!

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