Dec 19, 2013

Europe Tour, Day 5, Dresden

  Continuing on of our European Tour, we leave Berlin bright and early on day 5 and head off to Dresden.  Dresden was a stop over for us, as the coach driver is legally required to take breaks in-between driving for long hours. This city was restored after being almost completely destroyed during the second world war. We were in such awe of the architecture, honestly, the whole trip we were in awe all the architecture! It's so uniquely rich in history that we were beyond amazed! You definitely can't find things like this in Louisiana!
   Trip Advisor was an awesome tool I used throughout the whole trip. Every night, I'd check the itinerary to see where we were going the next day, and screen shot the webpage so we could pull it up without internet, like when we're getting off the bus to site-see. This was the easiest way for me so I didn't have to find somewhere to print, or write a bunch of things down. HUGE TIP- Unless you pay mega bucks to have your cell plan changed to a European one, you can put it in Airplane Mode. While you can't call or text, you still can use the camera and if you are somewhere that offers free Wi-Fi, that also works. So we would take photos of our itinerary and maps of the places we were going so we wouldn't get lost! Anyway, thought I'd share that because it helps TONS! So, for Dresden I pulled up Dresden attractions and we tried to get to see all of them during the stop-over.  
  It was still pretty cold at this time, mid February, so the fountains and such weren't operational, but they were still beautiful. After a semi-quick run through the city and snapping pictures, we found a cute little corner café where some of the other tour members were camped out hiding from the cold! Our leisurely lunch was about 2 hours long, we had great topics of discussion, and really got to know our tour mates. I think this is the café where I had the best minestrone soup, I think it was minestrone, maybe some other soup- but it was amazing in taste and it warmed me!
  Once everyone was all loaded back up on the coach, (there are always late folks, and the tour leader makes a rule that late folks have to get on the coach microphone and sing for everyone) we were on the road again and by night, we were in Prague! I have to admit, I was incredibly excited for Prague. One of my cousins teaches English in China, and his favorite vacation spot is Prague... now I see why!
  And because it's so gorgeous, Prague needs it's own blog post! It's in the works, but for now, enjoy the photos of Dresden!






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