Jun 20, 2014

Finding Beauty in a measuring cup

Happy Friday! I'm so happy it's the weekend, and we have lots of fun events coming up this weekend! I just hope the thunderstorms of yesterday stay away today... fingers crossed.

 Today, I am co-hosting with the ever so lovely Aimee from This Darling Day! for Find Beauty Friday. If you have a snapshot of something you found beautiful this week, please link up with us! The link up normally stays open for almost a week, so don't stress too much, you have a few days to find a spot of beauty to share!

 My beauty moment was when I made lavender and rose eye masks or eye pillows. These things are amazing! They help me drift off to sleep and I love using them at the end of my yoga practice! (find them here) Not only are they heavenly scented, they are also pretty to make! This is the cup of "filling" that goes into each pillow, it's just beautiful! It's so nice to just slow down during the week or during your work day and take a moment to enjoy a little bit of beauty! Have you ever used any sort of aromatherapy to relax? Comment below!


  1. Oh I love this photo! So pretty!! ♥

  2. This is just beautiful I bet it smells heavenly!!

  3. I still need to order one of those sometime :) When I have my envelope system back and running, I'll do that!


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