A couple years ago, I wrote a list of
35 things to accomplish before 35. And honestly, I really haven't kept up with it or tried to get many crossed off. The funny thing about doing these sort of lists is- some things become unimportant as time passes. With my birthday next month, I thought I'd do a little remodeling to the list, make it a little more.. me (the me right now).
Here is the list, with
revisions in purple, accomplishments in green.
1. Run a marathon. Not going to happen per Dr.'s orders.
2. Visit Canada.
3. Read at least a book a month for a year.
4. Try every single Teavana tea they have on that lovely wall. Not going to happen due to us trying to save more for retirement, maybe by the time we retire!
5. Cut down TV time to 2 hours per day. Listen to Christian music instead for background noise.Done and done! This has been a great morale booster.
6. Learn French. At least enough to carry a full conversation. (Not Cajun French, but REAL French)
7. Be able to unplug from technology each "weekend" I have with the Husband. We really try to do this every day possible and it's helped our communication TONS!
8. Participate in a craft fair of sorts.
9. Go to a blogger conference. Not going to happen because spending hundreds of dollars for this isn't that appealing to me.
10. Have the perfect eyebrows! Not that important anymore.
11. Memorize at least 50 Bible scriptures that mean the most to me.
12. Raise $1000 for charity
13. Donate $1000 for charity
14. Get 1000 hits on my blog as of 9/19/13 I have over 2100 hits! Boom!
15. Complete a one month picture challenge.
16. Do a double digit mile hike EVERY MONTH for a year! Not going to happen because it gets wayyy too cold here!
17. Learn how to make fresh pasta
18. Make a cookbook- for friends, not going to me a millionaire off this one!
19. Stop drinking soda completely. Done! Not as hard as I thought.
20. Lose 20 pounds.Also done! I have more to loose, but it is slowly coming off!
21. Celebrate our 5 year anniversary.
22. Blog 4 times a week for a year. Probably not going to happen because the blog gets pushed further down my priority list. Family and friends come first.
23. Get baptized!
24. Visit South Africa, Australia, and Argentina to see our wonderful friends! Probably not all of these will happen... again, saving for that retirement one day.
25.Spend the majority of a day in New Orleans exploring.
26.Go to an LSU game with all my family.
27. See the Northern Lights Maybe one day, but it's not a "Must".
28.Get my theology degree, Working on this one
29.See Chicago like a tourist DONE! Click here to see.
30.Have a fruitful garden (even if it's only a container garden) This may not happen until we get our own place... one day.
31.Get a dog, or cat Adopted sweet Ginny 9/7/13!
32.Visit New York City. Maybe one day, but it's not a "Must".
33.Find our perfect weekly restaurant and go to it for a year.
34. Perfect my Gumbo recipe
35.Make a fabulous bottle of sangria.New meds means no more drinking, so this one is out by default.
There ya go! In 6 months, I'll do another update to this list, cleaning it up a bit, perhaps adding more to it but this is where we are now.
Have you ever tried to do a list like this with any success?
So interesting...it is something to think about how the things that are important to us change over time, isn't it? I think the deeper we lean into Christ, the less certain things of this world appeal to us. I am finding that in my own Christian journey, and it is so sweet to press into Him and watch Him increase and self decrease in our lives. Thank you for sharing your heart here. :) God bless you, sweet friend.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that my priorities and must dos change too--even in less than a year. I looked at my goals for the 2015 the other day and had to chuckle at some of the things I thought were so important for this year. The ones that I remember are the important ones.
ReplyDeleteI posted a bucket list on the blog a while ago and I looked back at it a few days ago and realized that, like you, a lot of the things on the list are not important to me anymore or are just not going to happen for whatever reason. I may have to borrow this idea!