May 14, 2013

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

So, everyone has noticed these super cute hair ties right?  Not only are they a step up from the plain round elastics, these also lure us in with promises of no creases or dents in our hair after wearing these.  I must confess, I was sold hook, line and sinker.  Mind you, I am a "Tender Head" meaning the slightest pull will almost bring me to headache mode. This is why I don't brush my hair daily and why I would rather cut and color my hair myself than pay someone else to torture me for an hour, but that is another blog post.  Back to the hair ties.  I scoured the web, as I often do, for the best quality and price.  I noticed a lot of Mom and Pop shops offering 4-5 ties for $5-$15.  I just couldn't see paying that much plus shipping for these, so I decided to check local stores.  A big box store (you know the one) of course had these in a few different colors for $4.95.  Like I said, I was completely sold on these so I purchased them right then and there.  They came two to a packages, one brown and one black.  After a week of wearing, the promises of no creases in your hair were false.  But the softness did not cause this tender head pain so I was still liking these over the regular ones.  Fast forward another two weeks and after almost daily wear, they started stretching out.  I am now up to 4 wraps around to secure my ponytail, which is amazing because I have really fine hair.  I couldn't see spending another $4.95 so I began to search for something DIY at the local supply store (Joanne's); and for $1.99, I found the perfect thing!  Have any of you tried these?  

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