Jan 18, 2014

Meet Katrina!

I had the pleasure of meeting Katrina, a wonderfully talented fellow artist and immediately feel in love with her art! She has graciously offered a coupon code exclusively for my readers! Use coupon code Cajun20 (for 20% off entire purchase)! Check her out-
 Hello! My name is Katrina, and I am a full time servant of Christ, lover of husband, maker of home, teacher of art, designer of stationary and illustrator of life.
I have been running my freelance graphic design business from home for a number of years, only exercising my real passion for illustration in the spare moments.  My clients, however, soon discovered that the more impressive aspects of the designs that I created for them were the original hand drawn illustrations that I incorporated.  Slowly, the style of their commissions changed to be almost purely illustrative at the beginning of 2013.  Encouraged by my supportive husband and the continued commissions, I opened up my etsy shop in August 2013 and began fulfilling a life-long dream!
A huge "thank you" to Jessy for her work and ministry on The Artsy Cajun, and for giving me this opportunity to share my art with all of you!

Go visit her store pronto and order these cuties!


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