May 1, 2014


Hey Y'all! Just wanted to give you a little update on what's going on. I know a few of you have reached out to me to see how I am doing, and I thank you! You guys are so sweet! It means the world to me to have amazing people who keep you in their thoughts and prayers! This week, I will try to get to all of the kind emails and reply back to you, if I haven't already.

OK, so, update is: I haven't had the procedure yet. I know, I know! This waiting is killing me too! I want to be back blogging away and chatting with you all!  The procedure will now be around the middle of May. It was postponed twice, and with family events going on in two different states and The Mr.'s work schedule, it just didn't work. So, all of my prep work didn't exactly go to waste, I  mean who wouldn't want to deep clean their home and prep meals for the next 2 weeks? Although,  it's left me with 2-ish more weeks to continue to prep and have things perfect so I can have a stress free healing time. Also, The Mr. will have things easy for him. Plus, if he's not fretting over making sure little things are done, like dusting, then he can focus on helping me!  Healing time will be the same, some say a week and they were back to moving around and doing light housework, some say it was 2 weeks of wishing to crawl under a rock and finish dying! Ha! I can't say which one of those people I will be, but I plan on giving her all she's got, Captain!

Now, this may mean that I can crank out some posts before then and publish, or I may crank them out and schedule them for while I am healing, I don't know since the family events (folks are moving houses) are still going on, I'm not sure how much time I will have to post. And even if I do have posts for you, I haven't decided the schedule yet.  I do know that if any of you would like to do a guest post, please email me or leave a comment and I'll email you the details! I'd love to have you on my little corner of the blogosphere!

See you soon.... AGAIN! :)


  1. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well, but sorry that your procedure had to be postponed! Hopefully everything will go as planned now and you'll be one of those super quick-healing people!

  2. Glad to hear from you, girl! I'll still be praying. And hopefully you will be one of the fast recoveries. :)

  3. Oh! And I would love to do a guest post for you!

  4. Take care of yourself! Your blog will be here when you feel up to it.
    Hugs and prayers


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