I am also doing a 50%, yeah you read that right, FIDDY percent off everything in my Etsy Shop! I'm clearing out that space too, my friends! Use coupon code "HAPPYFLASH1" for that!
I gotta tell ya, there was about 10 different times where the mess was consuming my bedroom, I felt like I was getting rid of a lot, but the piles weren't going down! I wanted to cry, scream and just close the door like it never happened. At the same time, I really wanted to trust the Konmarimethod of cleaning up. If you haven't read her book, you should! The Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. It's life changing, and it's what's inspiring me to live with less in order for my home to stay clean and orderly.
I'm off to list things to sell! This is refreshing, ole Marie Kondo was right about that!
How do you organize and clean?
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