Oct 8, 2013

You go to the apple orchard for pumpkins

Sunday we made a visit to the in-laws and we stopped by the apple orchard. This place was amazing! It had all sorts of things to do, petting zoo for the kiddies, tractor rides out into the orchard so you can pick your own apples, and my favorite, a "pumpkin house" where you can pick up a pumpkin! The best part of all of this was the donuts Apple Cinnamon and PUMPKIN! I don't know if you guys can tell, but I'm a little obsessed with pumpkins!

 Inside the barn, it's chalk full of goodies, we picked up a lot of Butters- Apple butter, pumpkin butter, some strawberry preserves, so much goodness in one barn!!!! Check out the pictures!


  1. Oh my... OK I need to make some pumpkin or apple butter now, and those donuts...

  2. That place looks amazing!!!! And you had a beautiful fall weekend.

  3. I seriously love this! We're going on a date like this in a while :)

  4. The pumpkin house looks so cute!! Apples and pumpkins and fall are always so appropriately tied together, it seems!


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