Jan 7, 2015

Currently... The Chiberia Edition

Making: Ear warmers and scarves that can be MONOGRAMMED! SO excited to finally have a embroidery machine! Go check out the items here  
Cooking: Nothing at the moment. It may be soup for dinner tonight. Yep, I'm that motivated.   
Clicking: All of the sweet emails and comments y'all left me during the holidays! I promise to get back to you as soon as I sort through them all.  
Drinking: Coffee, yo. (Every month I think this will change, but it never does!)
Reading: Faith Shift by Kathy Escobar, check out this Winter Reading List Linkup I made and join us!  The next one is January 19th, so plenty of time to schedule a blog post.
Wanting: More things to embroider! This is quickly becoming an addiction, but the good kind. 
Playing: Nothing at the moment. Lately, I've been desiring more quiet than noise. 
Wishing: For warmer weather! It's supposed to feel like -20 to -30 degrees here with the wind chill. I'm talking frostbite in mere minutes! This is crazy, I do not like this and it's hard not to count down the days until we move away from Chiberia. 

Enjoying: My essential oil diffuser. When I'm cooped up in the house for days because it's so cold out, I love to put in the sweet orange essential oil. It's like an instant happy for me.  
Waiting: For my Australian friend Kate to get here! She's road tripping across the lower US now, and will be visiting us in February! I'm so excited! Kate and I met on our Europe trip, and were pretty much inseparable during the trip. We've kept in touch through letters and Skype and I'm so excited to get to hang out with her in person!  
Liking:  How pretty the snow is when I'm looking at it from my warm home. :)
Wondering: If I can set up our new tent inside to check it out. I may not have enough space, but I'm going to try. I CANNOT wait until it's warm enough for us to take off camping every other weekend! EKK!
Loving: I love seeing every one's word of the year or resolutions. Such hope flying around the world right now. Keep it up!
Needing: More embroidery things.
Smelling: Sweet orange
Wearing: Lounge wear, It's pretty much a staple.
Following:  All of my new bloggie friends. I absolutely LOVE the Prayerful Bloggers group of ladies.
Noticing: My pedi looks atrocious and I need to fix that pronto!  
Watching: I've started watching Bones on Netflix. It's pretty good.  
Obsessing over: Camping stuff. If you follow me on Pinterest, you'd see all the camping pins, sorry about that. 
Shopping for: Camping gear... see above
Learning: I am determined to organize my schedule and get started on the first class towards my Theology Degree.
Wasting time on: Pinterest. haha vicious circle 
Praying for: All of my friends, the prayer requests that were submitted, and a new pain management doctor since mine is moving :( 
Working on: Organizing Etsy Shop
Looking forward to: warm weather   

What are YOU currently up to? Choose one or a couple and comment below! And please tell me how to survive the coldest Winter! I'm just not made for this! 


  1. Congrats on the embroidery machine. I was doing hand embroidery the other day and thought "An embroidery machine would be so cool!" I would embroider everything I own if I had one. What diffuser do you use? I was pouring Vicks vapor stuff in our steam diffuser and thought "Why can't I use essential oils in it?" It can't be any more corrosive than this stuff, right?

  2. Praying for you! It's so hard when your pain management doctor moves because they have so much control over everything and are a huge support, but I am sure you will fine the one you need and maybe even a better doctor than before! :) And I just got an embroidery machine, too!! :)

  3. An embroidery machine? How fun! And I'm loving seeing everyone's word for the year too - it gets me even more excited about mine. Thanks for linking up!

  4. Looks like you're having a good start to the new year even if you are stuck inside! Boo for cold. And I may have to help with your need to embroider things...

  5. I so wish it would snow here soon! I think it's so magical and pretty. Stay warm!!
    Thanks for linking up!


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