Feb 6, 2015

A little Star Spangled banner and a whole lotta snow

  Happy Friday, y'all! Today, I link up with the ever so talented, Aimee from Aimee-Lynn Photography for her Find Beauty Friday link up. I love this link up because we can share our little bits of beauty from the week. And let me tell you, this week, where it's beyond a Winter Wonderland, I needed to find some beauty!

Snow and the flag, how patriotic of me! 

We are venturing out to Chicago sometime this weekend, to play tourist with my mate, Kate, so I will update you guys next week with many photo dumps. You will like it, I promise! 

I hope you guys have a great weekend! What's going on in your neck of the woods?


  1. That picture is awesome! I need to get back into the Finding Beauty Friday thing. The few times I've done it, I really enjoyed it!

  2. I spent the weekend in Florida. There were many people escaping the snow there. :)

  3. LOVE this! And you are my pick to be featured in tomorrow's post! :)


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