For 2019, my goal is 40 books. That's 3-4 books a month. OK, maybe that's too lofty of a goal, but we'll shoot for it anyway! What that means for you is, more book reviews, or maybe just a list of books that I think you should give a try! If you're not a book type of person... well, I guess you could just skip right on over these posts. :)
OK, today I have a couple of books that I read over the holidays.

Redeeming How We Talk: Discover how communication fuels our growth, shapes out relationships, and changes our lives. by Ken Wytsma and A. J. Swoboda
This book grabbed me from the first glance of the title. Over the years, I'm slowly learning the weight of words, even your own internal dialogue. Words are impactful. They can lift someone up or bring them to their knees. And this book helps deal with that. Not to mention how it seems that everyone communicates electronically now. No one knows how to have a good conversation anymore! I love how the authors of this book dig out scripture to back up what they're saying: Words have power, and we need to re-learn how to use them to glorify God. This is a book that I'll keep re-reading throughout the years.

He is Enough, Living in the Fullness of Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu
Y'all, this book really hit home for me right now. There's always that little voice saying, "If this were this way, then I could do this..." and it's simply not true! But how do we get out of that mindset? By focusing on Jesus. He is so much more than just "Enough." This is a 6 week study on Colossians, and it focuses on Jesus, how sovereign He is. It's easy to forget that in the day to day garbage we all wade through. This study would be fantastic for anyone in any stage in life. I love how she has 2 paths, a snack on the go for when you have just a little bit of time, or a meaty option for when you can dig deep. The 6 weeks is another thing I like. Long enough to get you to re-train your brain, but short enough that it doesn't seem to require a huge chuck out of you. Love it!

Praying God's Will for Your Life: A Prayerful Walk to Spiritual Well Being
By Stormie Omartian
Stormie Omartain is one of the few authors that I seek out regularly. Her popular books- "The Power of a Praying..." can apply to anyone in any stage in life. This book is no different. More times than not, we all get to a point where we question our life path. And this book will teach you how to pray for God's will for your life, how to change your heart attitude, how to have an intimate relationship with God, solid foundation in God’s truth, and commitment to obedience. If you're seeking answers, or feeling stuck in your walk with Christ, this book would be excellent for you!
That's all for today! I'll have more books I've read lately in next week's post. What are you reading lately? Comment below!
And I use Goodreads to keep up with my reviews, what I've read, what I want to read. You can find the link to my Goodreads profile at the top of the page- "Bookshelf".
**I received these books complimentary from publishers, in exchange for my HONEST review. All opinions are my own.**
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