Jun 26, 2014

Capes, Sushi, and Hot Pink!

Y'all, I have been running non-stop for a week now! This is craziness! So many things going on that I have to update ya, bullet style-

  • 4 week check up with my doctor was great! He said I was healing nicely, and to attempt "harder" foods as tolerable! I'm happy to report that I can eat small bites of chicken! Waahooo! Not eating real food is pretty crappy, but on the plus side, I did loose 17 pounds in a month! And I'm sure some of you out there are going to want to know how, so here's what I ate. For the first 2 weeks, it was strictly liquids. I bought a ton of those Bolthouse farm juices, and the Naked juices. Then, I used Plant Fusion protein powder since I am allergic to soy, I had to use this one. Not too bad, but things did taste like the chalky powder. Week 3, I introduced pastas in to my diet. I did lots of the Alfredo sauce and it was delicious! Still did the juice for 2 of 3 meals of the day. Now, I'm eating small bites of chicken and I even smashed a mozzarella stick up and tried that! Not too shabby pain wise!
  • Last Friday, one of the Mr.'s dearest high school buddies was getting married to the sweetest gal! So we got all dolled up and had the best time! Delicious food, there was hot pink everywhere, and I loved it! We caught up with his other best friends and their wives and it was just a great night full of laughs and dancing! 

  • Saturday was recoup day as I was exhausted from my sleep schedule being off and the Mr. was recovering from the fire water. 
  • Sunday we had the Mr's family over for a little celebration of sorts. It was fun and the Mr. did an amazing job BBQing! I also sewed up capes for the nieces and snagged a few pictures. They were so adorable holding hands and singing Let It Go at the top of their lungs! (find the capes here)

  • Monday was spend cleaning, blogging, and sewing more capes. It was pretty much a blur. Except I put the finishing touches on my Quiet & Journaling Time space! I love it! It's been getting a LOT of use! Notice my little frame in the flowers? That's courtesy of Kristin from One Inspired Life! We did a little gift swap in our Prayerful Bloggers group and I got that! So blessed!

  • Tuesday the Mr. had the day off! I was so excited to spend the day with him! We got up, went to the gym, then came home to shower and cool off. After a quick sandwich, we grabbed our books and headed to the pool. It was so nice just to sit and do nothing! But, it was too hot to do nothing, so we got in the pool where I acted like a crazed mermaid coming up with different, off-the-wall swim styles and the "I-swam-all-through-high-school" Mr. laughed at me! It was all in good fun. After this lil mermaid was tired and bored of that, we came home, showered again, and dressed for a sushi dinner. That was an awesome way to end the day!

  • Wednesday, I sewed even more Frozen capes, (they flyin off the shelves!) then packaged all orders up and took off for the post office, a little shopping at Joann's for supplies, a quick trip to the library, and dropped off lunch for the Mr. at work. And then it was cleaning house again, (Ginny's shedding and did I mention I'm allergic to dogs?) and some blogging.

And there you have it! To some, it may not seem like a lot. For me, it put my body through the ringer! I can't complain though, because God has blessed me with an awesome life, and I want to live it up every day He gives me on this Earth!  I tried to get some pictures, but I can't show all of them right now as some are still needing to be kept secret (shhh...the newlyweds are still on their honeymoon, and I don't know if they've opened their gift yet) but as soon as I can, I'll show them all to you guys! But I can show you a picture the Mr. grabbed of me working on it, mouth open and everything! 

OH! And sponsorships, I want to thank you guys for bearing with me through the change up. I know that it's confusing, but basically I will do the guest posting for free, and the ads are paid now. All money goes to a charity, and this month, it's the Wounded Warrior Project. 

Tell me, what do you do when your body can't keep up with your schedule?


  1. yay for some real food! haha i love that you smashed up a mozzarella stick! funny! :) your journal space looks so cozy!!

  2. Love your new space!!! That is so awesome!!! Glad you are feeling better and holy moly on the weight loss - that is awesome!


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